Have you ever asked what type of PhotoJournalist traits you share with other. What tpe of assignments and motivation you may be interested in as a PhotoJournalist?

Take the “Fit Quiz” and get a breakdown that could lead you to a good Photojournalist fit. Before you take this quiz, please remember that no quiz can guarantee you results or predict your outcome or success in any field or project. This quiz is offered only as a tool to let the quiz taker ask further questions. It can allow the quiz taker to consider motivations they have never considered. This quiz is offered for entertainment and educational purposes only.

The “Fit Quiz”

Are you a good fit?

This is not a typical on line quiz. The first step is to pull out a pencil or pen and paper.

Draw out two columns. The left column will be labeled with a plus mark (+). The right side will be marked with a negative (-). Read each of the descriptions bellow. Starting at the top of the column place a number on the left side of the page. If you pull out a paper and do the quiz give yourself an X in the plus column.

As you read each numbered description ask yourself, does this sound like a good fit for me? Remember this is only a guide. The quiz is only designed to aid you in asking better questions.

What kind of people become photojournalists?

2. Deep thinkers

Those that are true Analyzer’s and Thinkers
A career as Freelance PhotoJournalist appeals to the Analyzers and Thinkers of the world. Life can be solving puzzles every day. From simple photo composition to designing the best way to tell a story. Deeper dives into complex problems. A deep thinker starting as a freelance photojournalist will make contacts with technical-minded individuals. You never know.

3.You may find a career in technical writing or sleuthing out the truth. You could also become the next great novelist of our time.

4. Those Who Care:

Service to family, community, and the world.
Photojournalists appeal to the people who have a cause or want to improve the lives of those around them in their community or the world.

5.Many Photojournalists start by simply bringing in extra income to improve the lives of their families. Quickly they realize that they have a platform to improve the lives of many other people including animals or pets in the world and at home.

6.Those who care for our planet or the natural world can carve a meaningful and rewarding career as a Freelance photojournalist.

7. Take Charge

Are you a take-charge kind of person?
The take-charge person can ask for no better career. Set your hours, and run your own business (your way) with little start-up cost. A laptop, camera, and method of transportation will get you a long way. Travel by car, on foot, boat, air, or rail as long as it gets you to the story. You may even become a publisher or start your publication.
Do it your way. But remember everyone has rules that must be followed, even a maverick. Don’t forget you still need to eat and sleep.

8.In the Action
Those that want to be in the middle of the action. For them, Boredom is the enemy.
Whether gaining aces to the hottest openings and parties or just
spending the time talking to people and being part of a lifestyle of fun and change.

9.Travel to places where stars and celebrities gather. Traveling to expose and trade fairs could land you a free trip or two along the way as part of your career.

10.Foodies and specialty reporters will love this career. If they only take advantage of what it can offer. You nee to make your opportunities.

11.You will have to work on your craft.

12.It takes time to make contacts, network and get good at what you need to succeed.

13.The rewards can be amazing. Freelance photojournalists become eligible for awards and certifications. Many times they are in the limelight. They can also be in the backdrop and invisible. You may have ups and downs along the way.

14.Part of the Change:
For the adventurer with an edge, the world of conflict and danger can be a powerful enticement. This group of adventures will best be supported by the Freelance nature of self-direction. This group can also find opportunities for bonafide assignments with reimbursements or support from established news outlets.

15.The ability to sell your skills is essential. Before you know it you could be working as a publicist or for a travel bureau.

16. In the Know:
If Politics, economics, and Money are your interest then look no further. A Freelance Photojournalist career may well be your

17.Up-and-comers in many fields (Politics) may well relish an article and photo shoot. This can give you a front-row seat.

18.Can you talk to the people on the street and find out, “What the people really want.”

19.Don’t be surprised if your questions and stories or approach leads you to a job offer in a different field.

19.From Freelance to Staff Photo-Journalist. A good writer and photographer is always in demand.

20. You will need to be a Self-starter

21. You need to be able to work independently.

22. Are you willing to learn to be a better writer?

Time to add up each column. Does the plus side out way the negative side?

Does one section of the quiz strike a cord with you? One section say to you: “I could do that!”

Disclaimer: Remember no one can make you any guarantees about how a career will work out, the pay
rate, or the opportunities. We don’t know you and what kind of work you are willing to put in to obtain these goals or if you can master or at least become proficient in the skills required to succeed. What we can tell you is if you have a desire and don’t act on an opportunity
You will never even start. Take a step.