We Believe In

A Free Press

The Freelance Photo-Journalist International

The FPJI News

A Photo-News Publication

  • Press credentials for Freelance: photographers
  • Press credentials for Freelance: Photo-Journalists
  • Press credentials for Freelance: Video / Film Crew
  • Credentials for Freelance Documentary Film / Video Crews
  • Learn How to Make a Great Living as a Photo Journalist
  • Learn how to book high-paying assignments: No one can guarantee you anything in life, but we can aid you with tools.

What you get:

  • An Online Portfolio…
  • Job Board…
  • Practical training…
  • Practice Assignments with evaluation…
  • Press Credentials…
  • Press Id and Verification…
  • Members Group…
    • And much more!

“Our Mission Statement:
To provide the best information possible in
support of a Free Press.”

You Will Also Get…

The Freelance Photo-Journalist International System:

No electronic devices are included.

  • 21 Lessons
  • Members Group: FPJI
  • Three Assignments with Web Portfolio Template and link
  • 12 Quick Start Guides to the Hottest Markets
  • FPJI Press Credentials
  • Members Group: Job Board
  • One Time Fee for FPJI – Learn at your own pace.
  • Bonus: A.I. Mini Course
  • Access to the Current FPJI News and News Letters

Why wait, because time is marching on.

Next Registration Link Opens
2024 Registration is offered Quarterly and Closes (TBA)

Next Registration Link Now Open

What are the Advantages of becoming a Freelance Photo Journalist?

Many of the great writers of the world started as Journalist.
Names like: Charles Dickens, Nellie Bly, Mark Twain, Ida B. Wells, Ernest Hemingway.

The invention of the Leica, 35 mm camera, in 1925 promoted the rise of Photo-Journalism.

“From its invention in 1839, The camera has evolved to fit many needs, from aerial to underwater photography and everything in between. Cameras allow both amateur and professional photographers to capture the world around us”. 

– National Museum of American History

“The freedom of the press, protected by the First Amendment, is critical to a democracy in which the government
is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing.” -ACLU

A journalist is an individual that collects/gathers information in form of text, audio, or pictures, processes them into a news-worthy form, and disseminates it to the public.

Citizen journalism, also known as collaborative media, participatory journalism, democratic journalism, guerrilla journalism or street journalism, is based upon public citizens “playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing, and disseminating news and information.”

Many people may work remotely and have a flexible schedule because to the popularity of the freelance writing industry.
Every day, businesses, organizations, and publishers hire independent / Freelance journalists.

Press Credentials

You are not required to obtain our credentials as part of the FPJI program. This is included at no charge. Some stipulations apply.

Most Venues and Events will issue credentials for an event. Part of our program walks you through this process.

Typically, media outlets give out identification badges or other items with the words “Press” or “Media” on them. Press Credentials can also be used to show that a journalist identifies themselves as a Journalist or Photographer to the world.

We do not guarantee or warranty  that any group, organization, or government body will accept our credentials. Results may vary.

What is the Point? You need a way to identify yourself as a member of the press. Remember you will also have an Id# with a way to verify your declaration to all parties that you are identifying as a “Freelance Member of the Press”. Get the FJPI – Freelance Photo-Journalist International System Now:

Why now? Do you ask?
Because Now is the time to take a step.

Next Registration Link Opens
July 4 th 2023 Registration ($120 One time fee)

The Freelance Photo-Journalist Int.

Photo-News Publication

“FPJI News”

In addition: Each month you will receive the latest information for Freelance Photo-Journalist and Writers from FPJI News in your e-mail inbox.
Many are making a living as Freelance Photo- Journalists, Film / Video makers and writers.

These people are living deliberately and in a freedom-filled lifestyle.
Some are part time others have created a full time career.

We are committed to providing an educational and informational based publication. In this way we feel our publications can support a Free Press.

You will receive one of our digital Magazines and periodic notifications and news bulletins
It’s free to sign up.

This is a digital publication no electronic devices are included.

The Freelance Photo-Journalist International LLC.
“FPJI News”

is a copyrighted publication

Copyright 2023

The Freelance Photo-Journalist International LLC.

Albany, NY

Notice: The reader should consider any articles, offers, or information on this website or page as a paid advertisement or offer with no guarantee of results.